GREEN-LOOP: a pilot project case for Ethics – 21 November 2022 (Spain)

On November 21st, 2022, the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge and the University of Granada, in collaboration with the Red OTRI Andalucía (entity for Research Results Transfer of Andalusian Public Universities) and IDENER, have organized a virtual information session on the ethical aspects of the Horizon EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The objective of the conference has been to highlight the importance of ethical aspects in this programme, to offer recommendations in this regard for the preparation of proposals and disseminate GREEN-LOOP as real project case from this perspective.

The session has been attended by Professor Javier Valls Prieto (University of Granada), Ethics and Legal expert of the European Commission for the European Research Agency and the European Research Council and Luis Enrique Acevedo Galicia, from IDENER, coordinator of the GREEN-LOOP project, who has highlighted the ethical aspects that have been considered in GREEN-LOOP that make the project a pilot case also in this area.

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